School Pagez’s approach to working with schools goes beyond just providing a design and hosting service. By having such a flexible service from chool Pagez, it is helping us improve the way we can show what life is like in school and benefit our students, parents, staff and community as a whole.



Our aim is to hold the highest standards in everything we do. If we make a mistake, we hold our hands up and admit it. Then we reflect and learn. Then we move forward and grow.
We always seek to be open and honest about what we are able to achieve and won't make promises we don't think we can deliver on.
We seek to look after our team so that they know they are valued, appreciated and invested in. We do that for their development, for our company's future and to deliver the best possible service to our partner's school.



We are keen to grow our company. We are driven to be the best we can be through innovation, service, dedication and unrivalled care of our Partners.
One of the ways we continue to achieve this is by limiting the number of new clients we partner with each year. That means we are able to ensure every client is given the attention they deserve.





Since School Pagez was formed , the focus has alway been 'schools first'. Everything we build is from the ground up by our own team and is built with schools in mind.
Everything we build must be easy enough for anyone to use it.
Everything we build must be done to make school life easier for you.
Everything we deliver for you will be of the highest quality.
We will never just leave you to it, we will do everything we can to support you exceptionally well.
Where we can, we will be flexible on payment terms.
